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SDVI to Showcase Media Supply Chain OptimizationEnabled by Rally at IBC2024

At IBC 2024, SDVI will demonstrate how its Rally media supply chain management platform enables media companies to optimize the productivity of their media operations across both automated and manual tasks for a wide range of use cases.

Designed to support every step of their supply chains, from content receipt to delivery, Rally helps media organizations achieve true business agility, accelerate operational efficiency, and gain new intelligence about their media operations. Whether moving broadcast playout to the cloud, spinning up new FAST channels, satisfying the needs of a digital D2C service, fulfilling new licensing deals, or simply consolidating disparate operations into a cohesive core, SDVI enables organizations to best meet the challenges of a dynamic and changing business.

Highlights for SDVI at IBC 2024

NEW Rally Access Workstation

SDVI recently introduced Rally Access Workstation, a new way to use Adobe Premiere Pro in the cloud as part of a fully managed, end-to-end, cloud-based media supply chain. This new addition to the company’s Rally platform enables anywhere, anytime access to hosted edit workstations and content in the cloud, dynamically managing associated infrastructure deployment so that media organizations can scale their edit capacity easily and cost-effectively within an automated media supply chain. SDVI will demonstrate how manual edits can be made within the context of an automated media supply chain, without user tools and the content ever leaving the cloud.

Rally Application Services

In its IBC 2024 stand, SDVI will showcase the breadth and depth of the media applications available via the Rally platform, including multiple tools for media transformation, audio manipulation, captions and subtitling, AI-based metadata augmentation, QC and file validation, and integration with localization service providers. Making more than 60 applications available through Rally — and more every month — the Rally Application Services ecosystem gives users the largest array of tools to use in their supply chains, all without expensive upfront software or user licensing, time-consuming procurement processes, complex system integration, and difficult security evaluations. SDVI makes it simple for media operations teams to use the best tool for every job, simply by adding these already-integrated applications into their supply chains.

Geoff Stedman, CMO at SDVI said: ‘This is an exciting time to be showcasing our solutions at IBC 2024, as we are seeing real momentum from EMEA media organizations on the transition to cloud-based media supply chains. No longer is it a question about whether to move to the cloud; it’s an imperative that is in full motion. We look forward to sharing how we can help accelerate the migration to the cloud for European media companies through the advanced capabilities of the Rally platform. At this year’s show, we will highlight how our unique platform gives media organizations more agility, greater efficiency, and better intelligence across their media operations‘.


Sobre SDVI

SDVI Corporation es una empresa de tecnología con sede en Silicon Valley centrada en los servicios de gestión de la cadena de suministro de próxima generación para la industria de los medios y el entretenimiento.
SDVI produce Rally, una plataforma de administración de la cadena de suministro de medios, que implementa, administra y optimiza las cadenas de suministro de medios en una nube pública o privada, virtualizada en las instalaciones o en un entorno híbrido donde los recursos de la nube complementan los sistemas locales. Rally crea y gestiona la cadena de suministro que defina; analiza todos los parámetros asociados con cada trabajo (técnicos, operativos, financieros) y despliega dinámicamente la cadena de suministro óptima, con aplicaciones y recursos adecuadamente aprovisionados, según las especificaciones que ha diseñado.
Gestión de la cadena de suministro de medios: gestión bajo demanda y optimización de aplicaciones y recursos con opciones de capex y opex
Gestión de la infraestructura: aprovisionamiento dinámico de recursos y escalado basado en la demanda en la nube pública y privada y en las instalaciones.
Abastecimiento de aplicaciones: abastecimiento a pedido de aplicaciones y servicios de terceros en función del consumo.
Optimización y modelado: el análisis predictivo SDVI proporciona pronóstico, modelado y optimización de la cadena de suministro y la infraestructura.
Gestión financiera y de operaciones: seguimiento granular de costes, facturación configurable, informes y paneles de control de costes.
Seguridad y control: Cifrado en tránsito y en reposo, SaaS y VPC privados con firewall.

Más información:

Nahuel Villegas

VP of Sales para Latinoamérica