About his vision when he founded Si-Media, Luigi Panozzo said to Prensario: ‘45 years ago I bought a radio. At that time the radio and tv playlists were done manually, so it has been easy to understand which software was requested: daily playlist, adv playlist, playout software ecc..Now it is much more complicated to understand where the market is going: social media, VOD and lately AI are new technologies which are heavily impacting our market’.
‘SI Media is not just a simple software provider but a company that offers solutions to the broadcasters’, Panozzo explained.
About their next steps in Latin America, Panozzo affirmed: ‘We are already well organized in terms of CALA region support. We have two engineers based in Panama but our plan is to increase our support team in the area adding another two engineers only for the Mexican market’.
The company was at Expo Pantalla, and about this experience the executive said: ‘Mexican market is not so different from all other regions. There is a desperate need to cut the costs and to find an alternative to the drop of ADV. SI Media can offer a good solution to support the broadcasters who want to increase their presence in the broadcast market’.
‘SI Media is ready to offer and deploy very complex solutions. With more than 40 years of experience SI Media can satisfy the most complicated and articulated requests coming from medium and big size broadcasters. Our team of engineers is continually developing new features trying to answer to different needs and challenges that the broadcast market presents us’, Panozzo concluded.