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Dielectric Supplies Antenna Systems for Television Jamaica’s ATSC 3.0 Single-Frequency Network 

Dielectric is working closely with Television Jamaica (TVJ) to support the first NextGen TV launch in the Caribbean region, completing phase one of a deployment strategy that has brought new Dielectric ATSC 3.0 antenna systems to eight transmission points across the island nation.

The TVJ project also represents the world’s first ATSC digital TV (DTV) transition plan to bypass ATSC 1.0, moving the privately-owned broadcaster direct to ATSC 3.0 from analog service. Phase two will expand the network by 12 additional sites.

TVJ’s first NextGen TV broadcasts went live more than two years following a January 2021 mandate from the Government of Jamaica. That mandate confirmed the choice of ATSC 3.0 adoption with the suggestion that Jamaican broadcasters should begin transitioning in January 2022. Following the launch of a pilot site at TVJ’s Kingston headquarters, the broadcaster moved forward with an RF study to determine the ideal locations and design specifications for each transmission site. That study would determine the antenna patterns for a single-frequency network (SFN) that would ensure NextGen TV services could cover nearly the entire population, most of which live along the island’s coastal areas.

“The RF study determined we would need in excess of 18 sites to meet the government mandate of reaching 95 percent of the Jamaican population,” said Michael Henlin, Chief Technology Officer for RJRGLEANER Communications Group, owner of Television Jamaica, TVJ. “Dielectric’s response to our RFP (Request for Proposal) confirmed that they could meet the precise technical specs for each site, made more critical being the country’s first ATSC 3.0 SFN. We were also impressed with their track record for customer service and the accommodation of our sales representative, Daniel Bizet. As this was our first DTV system, Dielectric gave us the confidence we needed that this would be a smooth transition.”

Dielectric specified slot antennas from its TFU-DSB and TLP Series UHF families upon absorbing requirements for each site, based largely on coverage patterns and power required for each location. TFU-DSB antennas were selected for high-power sites and TLP Series Powerlite™ antennas were assigned to lower power sites. Dielectric also supplied flex transmission line for each site and sent Dielectric technicians to test each system following installation, handled through a local tower crew.

“The TFU-DSB is a broadband slot antenna that can handle eight kilowatts per input. That alone made this antenna the ideal fit for the high-power sites, at least some of  which plan to add a second frequency in the future,” said Bizet. “Network-wide, the choice of slot antennas proved important for Television Jamaica, TVJ, as they minimize connection points, reduce wind load, and simplify both installation and maintenance. That adds up to exceptional reliability over the long term.”

With phase one now completed, Dielectric antennas are bringing NextGen TV services to approximately 66 percent of the population. Following the pilot site in Kingston, TVJ has completed work at seven sites: Coopers Hill, Oracabessa, Flower Hill, Shot Over, Huntley, Winchester and Mount Airy.

Henlin recalls that Coopers Hill and Huntley were the most challenging to date. “These two sites required Dielectric to add special design characteristics since they cover the widest geographical areas,” he said. “The SFN requirement gave us some unique challenges because of the longer distances to some of the population served from these sites. The towers are higher as are the install points for the antennas to ensure all viewers receive the same quality of service.”

Phase two of TVJ’s ATSC 3.0 network deployment is being planned for the near future, with the final 12 sites expected to be live within 12 months of commencing. TV Jamaica’s ATSC 3.0 broadcasts are delivered free to air on UHF Channel 25.

About Dielectric

With roots dating to 1942, Dielectric helped pioneer the broadcast age, and our drive to innovate has never waned.

Over more than 80 years, Dielectric has earned a reputation for offering the world’s most sophisticated antenna and signal-transmission solutions, and an ability to meet the needs of all broadcasters: TV, HD and FM, low- and high-power, serving rural audiences and major metropolitan markets, across the country and around the world.

As we celebrated our 80th year in 2022, we made a commitment to be the industry leader in serving the needs of Broadcasters deploying NextGen TV – ATSC 3.0 standard.

Keith Pelletier

Keith Pelletier


Jay Martin

Jay Martin

VP Sales

Daniel Bizet

Daniel Bizet

International Sales
